Beacon Clinic was founded by Dr. David Bartels in 2018. Today, it is one of the premier oncology care clinics in northern Idaho, providing comprehensive care and support to cancer patients who are being treated for a wide variety of cancers.
In working with cancer patients, Dr. Bartels realized that the traditional oncology practice does not meet all of a cancer patients’ needs. So he asked himself a very straightforward question: If I or someone I loved was diagnosed with cancer, what would I want the care to look like?
Every day, the answer to that question is what Beacon strives to achieve. In the medical realm, Beacon offers a variety of cancer treatments in-house, including immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. In addition, Beacon is constantly expanding its network of cancer care specialists and providers nationwide, including working with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, the Huntsman Cancer Clinic, and the Mayo Clinic. Beacon’s physicians and caregivers will do whatever it takes to provide patients with access to the best possible care, including participation in ground-breaking clinical trials, in-house oral medication dispensing, and onsite phlebotomy services.
Beyond medical care, Beacon recognizes that cancer and cancer treatment have repercussions throughout a person’s life and family. Consequently, Beacon proudly offers care and counseling with regards to nutrition, finances, lodging, and rehabilitation.
Today, our Coeur d’Alene facility is currently undergoing expansion to enable Beacon to assist even more cancer patients and to provide a wider selection of in-house care options, like Rheumatology. As Beacon continues to grow, it remains committed to not losing sight of its original mission: providing patients a guiding beacon of hope in one of the most challenging stages of their lives.